domingo, 12 de junio de 2016


- What have you learnt from the course?
On the whole, I find the course quite interesting. It has helped me a lot to know how to start a good project in entwining. Last year, I tried to do the course but I couldn't because it was the end of the school year and I had many schoolwork to do.
- What are the positive aspects of the MOOC?
The most positive aspects is that you can work from home and you can do it whenever you want.
- What are the most negative aspects of the MOOC?
The only negative aspect I find is that in June teachers in Spain have plenty of work to do. I think the best dates for this kind of course is at the beginning of the school year (September). It would also be very useful to start a project then.
- What would you suggest to improve it?
I would include a kind of list of people participating in order to be able to find project partners easily.
As I said before, I would change the dates.

On the whole, I have found the course really interesting and useful. I have enjoyed it a lot.


This is my project draft after taking into account and including my partners assessment.

viernes, 10 de junio de 2016



Teachers create a list on and invite their students to participate. Students must write the names and ingredients of typical dishes in their countries.

Once the list is finished, teachers make mixed groups of children from different countries. The task of these groups is working together and discuss which dishes are the healthiest ones. To do this task they will use the forum or chat on the twinspace. After the discussion is over and decisions have been taken, children in groups will have to write the recipe of the dishes chosen on a collaborative writing app called story bird.

jueves, 9 de junio de 2016

Here it goes. This is the draft for a future collaborative project.

UNIT 3 TASK.I have chosen glogster to carry out the draft of the project. I know it should be improved in many aspects and this is the reason why I am attending this MOOC.